
Thoughts on how men in other cultures outside of the U.S. embrace?

The first time I went to Egypt…my cousins out there they would hold my hand walking in the mall…I was very uncomfortable. As a teenager if you walk around doing that out here it’s like [people would say] ‘you look mad gay’. It’s [got] a stigma. [When my cousin came out here] he tried to lock arms with me…At first I was very hesitant, kind of pulling away, but then I embraced it and went with it because he was just showing love and hadn’t seen me in a minute.

What does “masculinity” mean to you?
What do you feel is a “masculine” embrace?


What is your first memory of being embraced by another guy?


How do you and your father greet each other?

My dad is in the Philippines and I only met him for the first time in the last five years…My first time at a Jollibee was where I met my dad…When he came in it was as if I had an out-of-body experience…The way we embraced was literally by one giant ass hug...”

How do you approach embraces with people you’ve just met?

© Rey Robles, 2020